In many cases, treatment does not require surgery for orthopedic injuries or diseases. OSC will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan for you to eliminate or reduce pain caused by acute and chronic conditions and injuries.
Common Conditions
Joint stiffness
Joint pain
Recovery after surgery
Back pain
Neck pain
Unsteady gait
Pinched nerves or dysfunction of the nerves
Sports-related injuries
Treatment Options
Preparation for joint replacement or spinal surgery
Durable medical equipment and bracing
Interventional spinal therapeutics
Musculoskeletal ultrasound
Physical therapy
Platelet rich plasma injections
Anti-inflammatory injections
Steroid Injections
Viscosupplementation (Hyaluronic acid) injections
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
PRP is a substance derived from your own blood that contains platelets. These cells in your body are responsible for the early onset of healing and also contain the molecules (cytokines) that stimulate new blood vessel growth and increase healing potential.
Common injury sites treated with PRP are knee ligaments, elbow tendons, and achilles pain. In a recent study of patients with insertional achilles tendonitis, 70% received relief with just one or two injections
PRP can be offered to just about anyone. Injections are usually administered every 2 months as needed. Most conditions usually require only 1-2 injections, but every patient and problem respond differently. Most insurances don’t cover PRP injections but we are willing to work with patients on payment and cost. The total time from start to finish is usually under one hour.
All of our physicians are knowledgeable about PRP. In addition, all of our physicians offer it to our patients if it is an appropriate option for them. If you wish to discuss this treatment, have further questions, or have a problem that you need evaluated please schedule an appointment and we would be glad to see you. Getting you back into the game, Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine of Norman.
Wound Care
Our advanced wound care products are designed for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of regenerative medicine products capable of supporting patients from early in the wound healing process through to wound closure, regardless of wound type.
Wound care services are covered by most insurances and can be completed in our office. You might be surprised by how quickly we can turn your gash, cut, tear, puncture, etc. back to normal and pain free.